Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Day 115

A White Throated Sparrow

I awoke this morning to discover that my favourite songstress had returned...right on schedule!

Day 114

European Starling

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 113


Technically this is far from a perfect shot, but what I love about it is that there's a Western Meadowlark on the left...just about 4 feet from an American Kestral. Both colourful birds in their own right, never once would I think to find them sitting virtually side by side.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 112

Brown Creeper

Yesterday was one of the richest and most co-operative bird days I've had in ages! I'd noticed on my morning run that there seemed to be hundreds of Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers everywhere! I'd never seen them in such large numbers...a flock had descended in southland Park!

So I headed out and managed to get some of the most stunning Sapsucker picture I've ever taken. I then ran across a sleepy house finch that let me get within 5 feet of it...allowing yet again for some stunning pictures (all of which will be coming to my website soon).

At this point I was blissfully happy thinking the day couldn't get any better...I then noticed the shadow of what could only be a creeper 4 houses down, making his way up the front tree.

If you know Creepers, they don't stand still...ever...they're always on the move. Which is why I decided that this had to be today's picture...whatever the bug was he found, he ate it with gusto!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 100


I was wondering what I could possibly post on the 100th day of this project that would seem worthy. It turns out that I needn't have worried...nature would provide it for me. I've never witnessed something so pure and so touching, spring is definitely in the spite of the cold.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 99

The American Tree Sparrow

This morning amongst the hoard of birds in the yard, one stood out a little more than the rest. What I first thought to be a chipping sparrow, turned out to be an American Tree Sparrow...another first time sighting and visitor to my yard!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 96 I changed todays picture...that's what I get for breaking my rule...only post after dinner. A walk to the mint at sunset allowed for ample opportunity...and I loved every second of it.

Day 95

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 94

Polly prissy pants

Of course Boo finds the one and only piece of snow in the entire yard to sit upon to avoid getting dirty

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 92

New life

It's about 2:30 in the afternoon and I'm sitting here reflecting on how alive I feel. Sounds corny I know, but today has seen the return of grackles, red winged blackbirds and robins. I also managed to snap a picture of 2 tundra swans flying over my yard while I contemplated life over coffee this morning. Does it get better than this? Apparently it does!

After returning from my run this afternoon I noticed that these guys were poking through. I planted these crocus' my first year in the house...I always forget that they're there until they poke through in spring.

Spring has hit the ' spades.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 91

The first _real_ sign of spring

I think I look forward to the arrival of the Juncos more than any other sign of spring...well maybe the arrival of the Robins top it. I know that spring is officially here when they show up and this morning they did.

My day was off to an early start and when I headed into the kitchen for coffee I realized that I was hearing the undeniable chirp of the juncos. There are 2 here today...hopping around like tiny bunnies.

I also watched a Merlin come looking for breakfast...I heard it before I saw it. The melodic sounds of spring are filling my house and I can't help but be filled with anticipation.

When will they all show? Who will be first? The yellow rumped warbler or the fox sparrow? All I really know is whoever shows up next will be a most welcome sight!

Day 90


I think the thing that I'm gonna miss the most about booboo is her ever presence at the dinner table. She has a chair that she sits in while we eat...sounds gross to some I know but half the time you don't even know she's just look over and see these eyes staring at you from just above the table cloth.

She never begs for meowing, no jumping up on the table...just a simple "I have just as much right to be here" attitude.

The plate thing is not the norm for her...she's too prissy for that, but when she seemed to ask for it I couldn't turn her down...after all it's like russian roulette around here when it comes time for her to find something she'll eat.

It's getting harder...some days she's great...other days...not so much.

It really is true...some people have pets. Others have furry members of the family.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 89


Last night I headed to the kitchen to refill my glass...It had been snowing/raining all day. Gloomy and somewhat depressing, so imagine my surprise when I walked into a purple kitchen!

I looked outside and realized I was missing one of the most gorgeous and vibrant sunsets we've had around here for months! So I grabbed a chair and tried to get as many pics as I could before the amazing colour disappeared.

I think what I love about city sunsets are the various obstructions. Hydro towers, power lines and telephone poles...all makes the most interesting me. :)

Day 88

Saturday morning

Day 87

The place

The place where Ms. Boo spends most of her time