Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Stop. Breathe. Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 112

Brown Creeper

Yesterday was one of the richest and most co-operative bird days I've had in ages! I'd noticed on my morning run that there seemed to be hundreds of Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers everywhere! I'd never seen them in such large numbers...a flock had descended in southland Park!

So I headed out and managed to get some of the most stunning Sapsucker picture I've ever taken. I then ran across a sleepy house finch that let me get within 5 feet of it...allowing yet again for some stunning pictures (all of which will be coming to my website soon).

At this point I was blissfully happy thinking the day couldn't get any better...I then noticed the shadow of what could only be a creeper 4 houses down, making his way up the front tree.

If you know Creepers, they don't stand still...ever...they're always on the move. Which is why I decided that this had to be today's picture...whatever the bug was he found, he ate it with gusto!

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